顶级奢侈品文案欣赏 – LV 广告语

Where will life take you? 生命将引领你去向何方?
What is a journey? 何为旅行?
A journey is not a trip. 旅行不是一次出行,
It’s not a vacation. 也不只是一次假期。
It’s a process. A Discovery. 旅行是一次过程,一次发现。
It’s a process of self-discovery. 一次自我发现的过程。
A journey brings us face to face with ourselves. 真正的旅行让我们直面自我。
A journey shows us not only the world. 旅行,不仅让我看到了世界,
But how we fit in it. 更让我们看到自己在其中的位置。
Does the person create the journey 还是旅行造就了我们?
The journey is life itself. 生命本身就是一场旅行。
Where will life take you. 生命将引领你走向何方?


LOUIS VUITTON(路易威登)从去年起,它核心价值广告的代言人就让我们惊喜连连。戈尔巴乔夫、德纳芙、阿加西夫妇、滚石……然后,是谁?科波拉父女。今年7月LV第5辑平面广告已经上档,强调以品牌核心价值为诉求的LV平面广告系列,这一档从友情、爱情走入「父女亲情」。“每个故事中都有一段美妙的旅程”。

1、LV: Inside every story, there is a beautiful journey. 每个故事都蕴含着一段美丽的旅程。
2、Burberry: Good Things In Life Never Change. 生命之美好,恒久不变。
3、Chanel: No one can have our dream, no one.无人能享受我们的美梦。
4、Dior:Feel what’s real. 感受真我。
5、LANCOME“The Fragrance For Treasured Moments.献给那段值得珍惜的美好时光
6、香奈儿CHANEL: 流行稍纵即逝,风格永存”。
9、BURBERRY :The good things in life never change
10、Iwear nothing but a few drops of Chanel No。5—Chanel
A journey is not a trip, it’s not a vacation.
It’s a process, a discovery, is is a process of self discovery.
A journey brings us face to face with ourselves.
A journey shows us not only the world, but how we fit in it.
Does the person create the journey, or does the journey create the person?
The journey is life itself.
Where will life take you?
Louis Vitton.–LV
11、【塞特维那】 别墅豪宅的首选,品味从此不同!



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